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Oral Presentation Rules:
Paper and Presentation Languages: Turkish (All dialects), English
Presentations will be made by the responsible author stated in the abstract.
Studies that are not presented will not be included in the symposium summary booklet. Researchers will be given 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Presentations will be made in one of the Congress languages. After mentioning the purpose, material and method quickly in the presentations, findings, results and discussion should be mentioned in a significant part of the presentation. Oral presentation should not be complicated and should be supported by visual elements.
The presentations will be made in accordance with the congress program and will not be changed. Projection machine, computer, etc. in the halls. tools and equipment will be available for use. Digital copies of the presentation files should be kept in the flash memory and in your e-mail addresses, the presentation should be loaded on the computer before the session starts and it should be checked that it works.
Duties of the Chair:
1. He should examine the topics of the presentations to be presented in the session beforehand and review his relevant knowledge.
2. One of the chairmen will make a short speech to introduce the topic at the beginning of the session. The other chairman will make an overall evaluation of the presentations and discussions after the whole session is over. The two chairmen should share work on this issue.
3. Check that the presentation equipment in the session room is complete and operational.
4. The rules and application of the session to the participants and listeners
should give information about.
5. The chairman of the session should make a promise to the hall after each presentation and give the presenter the opportunity to answer if there are questions. 5 minutes were allowed for this process.
6. It must ensure that the time given to the speaker in the presentation is adhered to.
7. Submit a report to the organizing committee of the list of papers that were planned but not presented at the session.
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